Diablo 2 resurrected druid builds
Diablo 2 resurrected druid builds

diablo 2 resurrected druid builds

These only scratch the surface of the nerfs (though the Rogue was the most untouched), but there are some more general ones that strike at the core of the game’s developing meta. The Barbarian’s Hamstring ability only slows enemies with more than 80 percent of their health or above, and its slowing effect has been dropped by 10 percent. Other nerfs simply lower numbers for certain classes and abilities: The Rogue’s Siphoning Strikes now require a Lucky Hit chance of 75 the Necromancer’s Splintering Aspect Bone Shard damage was dropped from 50-100 percent to just 30 and 60. Certain nerfs address unintended issues, like the Sorcerer’s Aspect of Control seeing a fix for an incorrect 3x damage bonus. You can view the nitty gritty details for each class here.

diablo 2 resurrected druid builds

It’s hard to pick which nerf stings the most (the answer is probably whichever class you happen to main), but virtually no one got out of this patch unscathed. Other classes have been taken down a few notches as well. Read More: Diablo IV: Three Go-To Builds That’ll Crush Everythingīut it’s not just the druid that got hit. This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise as Blizzard, in a statement to PC Gamer, said that this specific use of the Druid’s Shred ability was in no way supposed to be functioning like that. Previously, a specific Shapeshifter Druid build let you deal remarkable amounts of damage. OP Druid build gets the axįor some of you, the saddest news is the Druid’s absurd billion-point damage exploit has now been removed. In general, it’s made for a very unsatisfying patch for the Diablo community. Some of these fix a few unfair exploits, while others scale back the numbers more generally. But a recent update ahead of the game’s first season has made characters hit a little less hard, with nerfs that affect basically everyone. And with a thorough and versatile skill tree, players can build all sorts of classes to deal incredible amounts of damage to hordes of foes. As an action RPG all about chasing numbers, leveling up a new character in Diablo is a linear path toward more and more epic powers and abilities.

Diablo 2 resurrected druid builds