Setting up onenote
Setting up onenote

Once your wiki is set up, your entire team can access it as a reference. Without any limitations, you can be as granular as you need to be, linking as many pages to each other as you require. While OneNote can’t compete with an application that is specifically meant to create these kinds of resources, it has quite a few features that make it a reasonable substitute in a pinch. For context, think Wikipedia - the name isn’t an accident.

setting up onenote

This content can be linked to that on other pages based on topics and keywords. What’s a Wiki?Ī wiki is a place on the web that allows for anyone to build content and edit what others have contributed. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over how you can use OneNote to set one up for your business’ benefit. In fact, it has the capability to support a simple wiki-like system baked in.

setting up onenote

Microsoft OneNote is a very useful application, as its capabilities extend far beyond the basic note-taking that its name would imply.

Setting up onenote